Hair Loss - Ayurveda Herbs Natural Remedies (Hindi)

Hair loss - Natural Remedies. What is hair loss? Rapid loss of hair (approx. 100 hairs a day) is known as hair loss.
Causes of Hair Loss : 
Anemia, any disease in roots of hairs, dandruff, malnutrition of hair, thyroid and any other disease in body are main causes of hair loss.
Symptoms of Hair Loss: 
Enormous hair fall with some baldness is the main symptom of hair loss.

Hair Loss - Ayurveda Herbs Natural Remedies
1 : Daily massage of Almond Oil on head and hair prevent hair loss within few days.
2 : Apply Lemon juice on head and rinse after few minutes. It prevents hair loss.
3 : Eat approx. 50 gm cabbage leaves per day for one month. It not only prevent hair loss but also promotes growth of new hair.

यदि यह वीडियो आपको अच्छी लगी तो दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें. 
Hair Loss - Ayurveda Herbs Natural Remedies (Hindi) Hair Loss - Ayurveda Herbs Natural Remedies (Hindi) Reviewed by yogesh on 10:46:00 PM Rating: 5

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