Benefits of Garlic for weight loss, लहसुन के स्वास्थ्य लाभ

Top 10 Health Benefits of Garlic (Hindi) , लहसुन के फ़ायदे, लहसुन के स्वास्थ्य लाभ,How to loose weight using garlic, Garlic for hair loss, Garlic for acne Benefits of Garlic, How to eat raw garlic, Why eat garlic, garlic and weight loss, How garlic is helpful in treating cancer, and heart problems, advantages of garlic, use of garlic as home remedy, 
Garlic is called a wonder herb. It has a substance called allicin which is a treasure of anti oxidants, and sulfur, which is a great anti bacterial is also found in garlic in large quantity.Eating garlic is very beneficial. 
Garlic keeps the heart healthy by lowering cholesterol level.
Garlic also helps in weight loss by increasing metabolism rate of body.
Apply crushed garlic on aching tooth for instant relief from pain.
Garlic is very useful for skin and Hair Problems. It stops hair fall and removes pimples, blackheads, stretch marks.
Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of Strokes.
Garlic helps to prevent Cancer.
Garlic tends to reduce the frequency of colds and flu without any side effects. 
Garlic is helpful in increasing the weight of the baby during pregnancy.
Garlic helps to regulate Blood Sugar. 
Garlic is Useful in Earache.
In the case of Insect bite, just crush the garlic and apply it 
to the affected area to reduce pain and to remove poison.
Crush two or three small cloves of raw garlic and eat it 
raw or boiled, before going to sleep. You can have it with 
a glass of milk or with water.
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Benefits of Garlic for weight loss, लहसुन के स्वास्थ्य लाभ Benefits of Garlic for weight loss, लहसुन के स्वास्थ्य लाभ Reviewed by yogesh on 8:14:00 PM Rating: 5

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